Serving television/video camera operators and photographers since 1998
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vortex media
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Storm jacket®
camera covers
white balance system
training videos and
field guide books
Storm Jackets have been the camera cover of choice for thousands of professional photographers worldwide for more than 15 years.
WarmCards are a specially-designed set of white balance cards that make it easy to get a warmer, richer, more pleasing colors from professional cameras
Since 2005, Doug Jensen's in-depth instructional videos and camcorder field guides have become the gold standard for training in the video and television production industries.
for green screen
Hands-on classes at
mainE media workshops
4K and HFR
stock footage
Royalty-free InstaBackgrounds make high-quality interview setups with sophisticated lighting and shallow depth-of-field easy – regardless of your camera, budget, or location.
Doug Jensen's in-depth workshops provide a real world, serious approach to professional video and television production education.
License Vortex Media's vast library of royalty-free 4K, HD, and HFR stock footage at Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Getty Images.